Everything is a Remix

Steal Like an Artist
Austin Kleon @ The Economist's Human Potential Summit

Nothing is completely original. All artists’ work builds on what came before. Every new idea is just a remix or a mashup of two previous ideas.

Just as we have genealogy, there is also genealogy of ideas. We don't get to pick our parents, but we can pick our teachers and we can pick our friends and we can pick the books we read and the music we listen to and the movies we see, etc. You are a mashup of what you let into your life.

Picasso said it best, "Art is theft." And T.S. Eliot said, "Poets steal." But the thing that T.S. Eliot said so smart is, "Bad poets merely copy; and good poets transform it into something different or better." So imitation is not flattery; it's transformation that is flattery.

I'm gonna write the book I wanna read, and I think that's what we all should do. We should think about all the things we want to steal. Let them marinate in your brain; let them bump up against the other ideas and transform it into your own work.

Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. - T.S. Eliot -



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